Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Park Workout

As you know by now I love working out in the most natural environment, outdoors. Playgrounds/Parks have become my fav spot and I always seem to get killer workouts at them. One particular park in my hometown is by far the best I have found to date. Funny thing is it is right across from my High School. Growing up I was a multi-sport varsity athlete and worked "hard" to be as good as possible. Unfortunatly it wasn't until I was 24 that I discovered this gold mind! Check out the video below of highlights from the workout. This was only my second workout of the week so I hit a full body high intense session and loved it. I hit a dynamic warm up as well as some knee rehab stuff. I then went on to perform the 3 couplets in the video for 20 min with minimal rest moving from one to the next. Any rest I took I was performing TKEs for my knee.

If you look in the background of the shot when I was using the parallel bars you can also see a very steep hill. I finished the workout running this 20 times using the SLOW walk to the bottom as my recovery. It's been a battle since I hurt my knee and now my knee is almost back to 100%, unfortunately my anaerobic conditioning has went down big time and is at the level of the dude below...

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