The baddest man alive trains with kettlebells, think hes doing something right?
One major training tool I use in almost all my personal workouts or my clients workouts are kettlebells. Kettlebell lifting blends Cardio training, resistance training and stretching making it quite possibly the most economic training tool on the market. All the major kettlebell lifts are full body multi-joint movements that train the body, from head to toe. This teaches your body to work in unison to create the most power. This is something that will help make you more functional not just in the gym but with everyday activities as well. Many kettlebell movements are more advanced and require coaching and I highly suggest having a trained professional breakdown and teach the movement to you before attempting them to avoid possible injury and to maximize results.
Kettlebells can also be used for more isolated “bodybuilder” style exercises. The difference in weight distribution, compared to a dumbbell, as well as the thick grip of the kettlebell are two major things that will help shock your nervous system and help you break through plateaus. For example in my workout today I really pushed the pace and performed nothing but couplets, which is super setting two exercises together. I performed three total couplets with the final one utilizing kettlebells. In the final couplet I performed sea-saw press with sea-saw rows and really drained any last bit of energy I had left in the tank. Since incorporating both endurance training (5-10 min sets) and strength training (5x5 rep scheme) with kettlebells into my routines I am amazed in how much stronger both physically and mentally I have became.
Training a good majority of wrestlers and fighters I am not trying to put much weight on there body but help increase there overall strength and endurance in a fight or match. Kettlebells can be used to almost mimic a round or period of a match. Having a wrestler perform three, two minute round sets of long cycle (clean and press), trains the body to continue moving for the duration of a match. During this time period you will be working all your pushing and pulling muscles continuously, essentially improving your muscular endurance. This style of training will also help improve the wrestlers grip (from the thick handle) and overall strength. These benefits will help improve any combative athletes overall performance during competition.
So now that you know some of the major benefits of training with a kettlebell you may be wondering what other reasons are there to use these tools. Well I saved the best reason for last and that is simply they are FUN! Although I am still relatively young, I have trained for over ten years, and have experimented with all different styles of training from bodybuilding to power lifting to strong man training. All these styles can get results but are not nearly as fun as kettlebell lifting is and let’s face it; if training is not fun you will not enjoy it and will not continue doing it. So if you are going flat on your workouts, not getting results anymore, or find yourself forcing yourself to the gym on a daily bases please put down the dumbbells and barbells for a couple workouts and try out a kettlebell, I promise you will love it!
Hope you enjoyed the blog post on kettlebells, it is almost tues morn now and I have clients to train in the morn so its time for me to get some sleep, got to get those 8 hours, or at least try!
Hey brother,
ReplyDeleteDiggin' the new blog, man. Just to echo what you said about the kettlebells, I think they're a huge addition to most training programs. While there's pretty much nothing that you can do with a kettlebell that you couldn't do with a dumbbell, they are convenient and are well suited for the dynamic lifts.
One of the first thing I teach every new client, whether they're an athlete or a general fitness client is the kettlebell swing. In athletics or everyday life there's nothing more important than learning how to use your hips and the swing is, in my opinion, the fastest and easiest way to teach that. Plus it teaches them to start moving fast, decellerate a weight, and improves their posterior chain, upper back, and grip. What's not to love?
hit the nail on the head as always Isaac. Keep me updated on the product and your bizz!