Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Core Strength

No need for a body armor when you got core strength like that!!

Everyone at the gym dreams of having one, yet very few people will ever get there. What am I talking about you may be wondering? A ripped 6 pack! If I had a dollar for every new member that says there goal is to tighten and tone there stomach I would be extremely rich. I do agree a 6-pack does look good and to maintain one your body fat% must be extremely low (6-8%), but what if I told you it is possible to have a killer 6-Pack yet have an extremely weak core? You, as well as most people would think I was crazy, so let me explain.

One of the major misconceptions in the fitness world is the core. The “core” is not just made up of your abs; the entire core consists of your abs, obliques, hips, glutes, and spinal erectors. In a nutshell the core is your entire midsection. Imagine if you were to cut your legs, from the waist down, and your head, from you shoulders up. What would you be left with? YOUR CORE! So why are so many trainers and fitness fanatics so obsessed with the core, and the answer isn’t to look good at the beach or to have a set of washboard abs, although that is always a bonus. From an Average Joe's point of view having a strong core is going to do two major things for you; Help maintain posture and stability(keeping the spine in proper alignment) and will also be used to transfer power from our lower body to upper body and vice verse.

I am a big time Syracuse basketball team and they are having a great season. Much like 2003 when they won the National championship, they have a good team made up of Stars and roll players. They key to this season and 2003 success? Both teams had a player that was referred to as “the glue” of the team. Josh Pace in ’03 and Kris Joseph this year, fit this mold. They hold everything together when shots aren’t falling or the team isn’t playing good. What does this have to do with having a strong core you may be wondering? I like to compare the Core of your body to the Glue of a team. The core is what holds everything together. Having a passion for training athletes, core strength is my #1 concern with each and everyone young athlete I train. What good are strong legs or a strong upper body if your midsection is weak? Whether the athlete plays baseball, football, Martial Arts, Wrestling etc., if there core is weak chances are there play is weak!

With that being said what would you think of me if I told you I rarely will train abs or core independently with clients? You are probably thinking I am loosing my mind, which may be true, but I will explain. Whether it being high level athletics, or your everyday washed up meat head, training the abs alone is a waste of time! Training to strengthen your core, while teaching your body to be more powerful or explosive, is the ultimate way of building a freak athlete. In my eyes there are two training tools that are essential in developing a strong core; your body weight and the power wheel. Check out the video below of some exercises I perform to strengthen the core utilizing the power wheel. If you don’t have a power wheel, wheelbarrow walks with a partner will be sufficient.

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