Thursday, February 25, 2010

What will you do when told you Cant?

Due to snowy conditions this morning I had a few cancellations at the gym which gave me time to write this. I apologize for the delay of content but between work, Dr. for my knee, and reading I have had no time. I promise some good content and a possible guest appearance coming in the near future! The topic of today is adversity. Everyone deals with adversity in life. Find me someone successful that did not overcome adversity on many different occasions and they are lying. Currently I am fighting a torn meniscus and will be having surgery sometime in the next month. Having my life revolve around fitness I could have made excuses and felt bad for myself or learn from the experience, and that is what I did. Since injuring my knee I have read countless books and articles about fitness, rehab, nutrition, etc. I have also matured as an athlete. I have realized I must listen to my body and taken a day or two off to recovery is much better, in the long run, then missing one to two month(or even more) due to injury. Linked below is a very good article, written by Joe Defranco, related to the same topic that should get you fired up!
The Can't Rant!!

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