Follow along with an up and coming Strength and Conditioning Coach located in Syracuse NY. Throughout the journey I will be posting about numerous different topics ranging from nutrition to strength training to random tangents I may go on occasionally.

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Hope the weekend went well for all. Personally I have a lot going on right now. I finally got my surgery scheduled for Tuesday 2/23. I am super excited! Surgery on the meniscus is very simple and I will be at work walking around the very next day. I am hoping to be running within 10 days and plan to begin body weight squats and leg rehab within 7-14 days. Three weeks after surgery I fully expect to be back better then ever. Through this whole process I have realized the importance of martial arts in my life. I have not been able to train/spar consistently since before my shoulder injury on Thanksgiving. This is a lot of lost time that I need to make up for in the near future. I have also noticed I have been on the edge a lot lately and have not had that stress reliever I have enjoyed all so much for a little over a year now. I will tell you what, there is no better way to finish off a long day of work then getting punched and kicked in the head. I just found out that I was selected to be an official judge this coming weekend at the Northeast regional qualifiers for the Crossfit games. Although I would much rather coach my boy Austin to victory it is an honor to be selected as a judge and I am sure Austin will be fine without me. Every few months I like to reflect on what I have done over the past few months to improve on my abilities as a strength coach. I always right these thoughts down, Steve Cotter once said at a kettlebell course I was at that you have a 75% better chance of achieving something written down. On these assessments I look at my overall skill set as a coach and what are my strengths and weaknesses. I enjoy doing this because it continues to keep me motivated to learn more but also allows me to see my progress in the field. It is crazy to me the amount of knowledge I have accumulated over the last 3-4 months and excites me to think what I will know in years to come. This past assessment I realized a couple different things. The most important thing I decided after this assessment was that my two weaknesses at the current time are rehab and nutrition. My knowledge on rehab has been improving drastically over the last two months, mostly due to my string of injuries. What does this mean? For most people they shy away from what they are weak at and continue to practice only what they are successful at. For me this is not the case, whatever I am least knowledgeable at I make the goal that by my next assessment that will be one of my strong suites. Right now #1 on my checklist is nutrition with #2 being rehab work. With that being said just the other day I ordered three new books online, all dealing with nutrition. Gold Medal Nutrition 4th edition, Diets designed for athletes, and Advanced Sports Nutrition are the three books that will be on my agenda over the next two months. All three of these books were found on I figured if David Tate and company are selling these books on there website they are filled with good information. After these three books are completed I will order some books very successful sports therapist at my gym recommended. I am looking forward to reading these books and sharing some of the rich knowledge with you!
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