Monday, June 21, 2010

"Its not so much what you do as how hard you do it"

So I am lying in bed reading Marty Gallagher's The Purposeful Primitive when I read the above quote. The entire book is unbelievable and I have learned many things through the first half of it, but this quote stood out more then anything else I have read thus far. The reason being it is 100% true! With all this new information out there and the thousands of "fitness experts" who have generated the perfect training regimen to get in the best shape of your life many fitness advocates are lost. I can't tell you how many of my clients have said "but I read this" or "my old trainer told me to do that." The sad part about it is the information they were given was completely wrong based on my research, and there has been a lot of research done. The quote "Its not so much what you do as how hard you do it" hits the nail on the head. I see a handful of members at my gym doing awful programs yet they look unbelievable. On the other hand I see many other members doing good exercises and follow good structured plans, yet they don’t get any results. The reason for these results from the poorly structured program is because of the intensity level these members are attacking the workout each and every day. If I was to perform 50 half assed burpees or row 2k at a slow pace the results achieved by this workout would be minimal, yet if you were to ask a top crossfit athlete or coach if either of these are a good cardio workout they would say absolutely yes. The reason being this athlete will perform both the burpees and the row at 110% balls to the wall. Your only gunna get as much out of something as you put in. This goes for all aspects in life from training to school. I spent five years and thousands and thousands of dollars on a college education that earned me a degree in Exercise Science, yet I have learned 5x as much about Exercise Science over the past 8 months then I did at 5 years at college. The reason being I have attacked this topic over the past 8 months as if it was do or die, life or death. I will not allow myself not to be the best most knowledgeable trainer in Central New York. If this means sitting home on a Friday night reading The Purposeful Primitive till my eyes are sore or listening to my audio cds in the car instead of music, then that is what it will take. Unfortunately this was not the approach I took in college and my gpa shows that I could have worked a little bit harder. So next time your feeling a little tired before your workout or don’t want to write that last paper for school remember to attack as if it is life or death, this is the only way to achieve the success that most are afraid to achieve. All successful people in life weather it be a pro athlete or a top business man attacks everything they do with everything they have. You do not become the CEO of a fortune 500 company by being like everyone else or working the normal 9 to 5 hours you must attack it!

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