Monday, September 27, 2010

OG Wrecking Crew Gettin After It

The OG Wrecking Crew working hard. The strength gains continue to go through the roof and we are only beginning!! Below are some highlights of the workout we performed the other day. The complete workout looked like this;

Dynamic Warm up
BW Warm Up: 5 rd
Pull aparts x 20
Push Up x 10
Squats x 10
Mixed Rowing x 10
Pummeling x 20 sec
Strength Work
1a) KB Snatch 5x5
1b) Sandbag Shouldering 5 x 5/5
Part 1: 5 rounds 20 sec rest
1a) Mixed Variation Ropes x 20 sec
1b) Burpee x 20 sec
Part 2: 12 min AMRAP
1a) KB Farmers walk x 100’
1b) Sled Drag and unload

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