Monday, September 6, 2010

Sunday Funday: Grip Training

This past Sunday I went to a friends house that is heavy into grip/bending training. To me this stuff if awesome and very beneficial for all athletes. The stronger your hands are the likelihood of hand injuries will go down as well as performance improving. An old Hall of Fame wrestling coach at Oswego, Elmer Ackley, used to be able to have multiple kids tug on each arm without breaking his hand lock. Basketball player’s grabbing for a rebound or MMA fighters trying to submit an opponent all start with grip strength. Lineman in football fighting for position on opponents inside has a lot to do with grip strength as well. Any sport has many examples of how strong grip can improve overall performance. The world of grip training has developed into a small community with different feats of strength along the way. From different Captains of Crush Grippers to IronMind Red Nail Bending there are certifications to be considered the very elite in the world! I am not sure about ever reaching those levels but to me this challenging grip stuff is fun. For a long time now I have only trained grip by using kettlbells, thick ropes, and NO STRAPS!! My grip was above average just from this but why not train and take it to the next level? I just ordered to ne w Captains of Crush grippers and will be making a Rolling Thunder within the next few days. I will also be traveling to Rich’s house on Sundays to train in his garage. Check out the video below for highlights of Sundays workout

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