Monday, October 18, 2010

5 Reasons all combat athletes must train with kettlebells

Being a performance enhancement specialist, as well as an overall Strength and Conditioning junkie, I am always thinking of different things that will benefit my athletes. As I watched UFC 119 the other night I was thinking of the many benefits kettlebell training will have for all combat athletes. This got me thinking and this is what I came up with as my 5 top reasons combat athletes need kettlebells in training;
1: Hips and Core Work
Whether you're shooting a take down or throwing a knock out punch all the power is generated from the ground up, through the legs, hips and core. Coincidentally all major kettlebell movements are multi-joint exercises that utilize the hips and legs to generate the power. The hip snap generating momentum on swings, cleans, and snatches will improve power on finishing takedowns or throwing a punch. Also having to brace the core during both the concentric and eccentric portion of these lifts will improve core strength dramatically.
2: Grip Strength
There is a laundry list of benefits grip strength has for combat athletes. Kettlebells are unique in the fact that they have thick handles and are used often in high rep sets. This will increase your sustained grip strength. Sustained Strength is being able to maintain strength over time. Think locking a submission and holding for 20-30 sec period or fighting for hand position for a 2 min period on the feet.
3. Improve Shoulder Strength/Flexibility
All combat athletes run a high risk for shoulder injuries. Kettle bells are unique in the manner that they allow greater range of motion. The way the bell will sit against the forearm will take a lot of rotator stress out of play allowing for increased strength and flexibility in the shoulder girdle. Movements like the windmill have yoga benefits as far as flexibility but add a twist of strength. Long sets of clean and jerks or snatches will improve endurance in the shoulders, overall grip strength, and is a full body movement utilizing the legs, hips, and core, starting to make sense yet?
4. Improve integrity of joints, tendons and ligaments
No one can argue that combat sports are as taxing on the body as it comes, hence the name! The ballistic shock your body experiences during kettlebell lifts will greatly improve the integrity of your tendons/ligaments and joints bringing the risk of injury down greatly. This helps with the injury prevention aspect of training. This is a major point lost over the years in strength and conditioning and a very important one. Staying healthy allows for the athlete to show off there new found strength!
5: EXTRMELEY Effect Conditioning Tool
The days of running miles on end to improve conditioning are behind us. Combat athletes must perform an-aerobically for long durations of time with opponents hanging all over them. Kettlebells can be used as unbelievable conditioning tools to mimic movements occurring during the fight or match (improved GPP and SPP!) Kettlebell complexes can be done using timed sets so the athlete trains the exact time frame of there match. The ROM allowed with KB also allows movements very similar to sports specific movements.

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