Thursday, October 7, 2010

5 Tips On How To Stay Motivated

It happens every year in upstate New York. Once the weather begins to turn and the days become shorter the excuses pile up and people become lazy! This may be your performance at work or in the weight room. Over the past 10+ years of working out I have fell into this hole as well. I have always been able to fight through it and come back better then I was before by following these few simple tips.

1)Take Action- I was having a conversation with a member at the gym the other day and he was talking about how he wanted to check out that “social network” movie about the development of facebook. He went on to say how the kid was a fraud and stole the idea from someone else. What’s the difference between the kid who just donated $10 million to Newark School District and the chump who is living off of the fact that someone stole his idea? He took action! Everyone has had a million dollar idea but never do anything about it. Take action every day of your life and I promise you your performance at work or under the weights will improve dramatically, regardless of what season it is outside.
2)Music- I am constantly changing my playlist on my ipod to keep the music fresh and motivating to me. You may be wondering “how can music keep me motivated during work?” Remember I am a meathead and this blog is geared more towards strength and conditioning so deal with it!
3)Competition- Everyone has a competitive nature that allows you to step your game up. By looking at your workout as a competition against yourself you will push that much harder allowing for some kick a$$ workouts.
4)External Motivation- This could be a lifting partner or even a personal trainer. Make sure it is someone that will keep you on task and kicking some serious a$$.
5)Surround yourself with motivated individuals- Right now at 25 I am more motivated then I have ever been before, why? I spent three days at a seminar with 32 other highly motivated individuals, all action takers. Believe it or not this will rub off. If you surround yourself with successful individuals you will become successful. Unfortunately this works both ways, if you’re surrounded with scum bags guess what? You are a scum bag!

There you have it, 5 tips on how to stay motivated and kicking a$$. Stay tuned within the next week or so I will be launching a serious project that will be given away for FREE to all of you.

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