Monday, October 4, 2010

weekend recap from NJ

Sorry for the delay of posts but as many of you know I spent the weekend in Long Branch NJ at Zach Even Esh and Paul Reddick How To Kick Ass Seminar Kicking Ass!! Here is how my weekend looked. After finishing work Wednesday night I drove down to Cortland to cut an hour off the overall travel time. I spent the night there and woke up early to get a nice prowler workout in before hitting the road. I arrived in NJ around 5:30. A good friend of mine Isaac Wilkins, who I met previously at Zachs Underground Strength Certification was there and we went out to grab a bite and check the place out. Shortly after sitting down to eat Matt Wichlinski from the strength shop arrived and met up with us for a nice dinner. CLICK HERE for a previous phone interview I did with Matt, he is a BEAST. We were all tired from traveling all day and called it an early night. The next morning we woke up and got right to work! The seminar ran Friday from 7-6 with breakfast and lunch breaks mixed in and I learned some serious stuff!! That night the game plan was to go out and grab dinner with the crew and call it a night(boy was I wrong). After dinner we went to grab a few drinks and talk shop and next thing I know it is 2am and the bar is closing, OOPS. To sum up the following day Elliot Hulse, was not even in the mood to talk!! Saturday was filled with just as much content as Friday and ended with a fire on the beach(and some more drinks). As great of a night as Saturday was the drive home Sunday was equally as bad! I am extremely grateful to have met everyone at the seminar as well as take part in it. Below is a short list of some things I learned while in NJ.

1) Zach Even Esh is still the man!
2) Paul Reddick has the answer to everything, including life.
3) It is all about the 5-6-7 not 1-2-3-4
4) I am grateful to be able to do what I love for a living
5) GFGI!!!!

This picture has a lot of meaning to me. It is me with Elliot Hulse. This is the very first Spizman Strength Shirt to be worn and ironically Elliot is the first person that I researched online who was running a "warehouse gym." He opened my eyes and made me realize I could make a living doing what I love!!

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