So I am extremely excited to hit a solid dynamic upper body lift and also do some rehab work on my knee. Why would I be so much more excited to hit today’s workout then other days you may ask. Reason being because I am at my parents house in Oswego and am going to crush it in my favorite gym… located in there basement! It may not be the biggest lifting area (about 500sq ft), and it may not have all that fancy equipment but it is where I get my best results and workouts! Squat Rack, Pull-Up stations, 100lb heavy bag, and kettlebells is what is in the basement but I always seem to get my best workouts while lifting in the “dungeon.”
After graduating college I was at an all time low physically. I blew up to 230lb walking around over 20% body fat and was the weakest I had been since I was 15 years old! That is when I decided to turn it around. I begin slowly buying cheap exercise equipment to build an in home gym. Running, sled pulling, and hardcore lifting sessions in the basement was the recipe that lead me too make a dramatic change in my lifestyle. Eleven months later and I was walking around 180lbs with around 8% Body Fat and much stronger then I ever had been! The reason I was able to get such unbelievable results in such a small gym was very simple. I created an atmosphere in the basement every lifting session that demanded results.
So the question what is the right gym for you is very simple. Wherever you are going to get the best workouts and results and not burn out! Many pro and amateur bodybuilders lift daily at the commercial gym I work at. Some of these men and women are training 5-6 days a week and never mix up there gym, where some of them have memberships to many gyms in the Syracuse area to change the atmosphere to prevent them from ever getting bored. My one boy Austin, who lives or dies crossfit, is about to crush the Northeast regional qualifiers and take the crossfit world by storm. He began training strictly crossfit almost a year ago and spent his first eight months lifting outdoors at different parks and playgrounds while doing his strength work at the commercial gym he worked at. Austin, the many bodybuilders I spoke of, and myself all got unreal results in extremely different atmospheres. The one thing in common between all of us is we all found a lifting environment that works for us!
Time to go kill it in the basement! Indian Clubs, Sandbags, Kettlebells, Rings, and Bodyweight exercises are on the menu. I haven’t got a workout in the basement since Thanksgiving Day and I am super excited for this workout! More on the basement gym later, next visit to Oswego I will bring my camera and give a video tour of where all my results happened! Everyone finish your work week off strong and remember just because it is about to be the weekend doesn’t mean its time to let up on your diet or workouts, keep hitting it regardless of the day of the week!
Nice post. I like the way you start and then conclude your thoughts.