Way too many weight lifters get too tied up in the amount of weight they are lifting and negate the most critical parts of the exercise, proper form as well as full range of motion. If you can not perform a set of the exercise you’re attempting with proper form and ROM then you are most likely lifting more weight then you can handle. By doing this a couple things can occur. Your risks of injury increases greatly, and let’s face it, the last thing we want to do is miss time to do unnecessary injuries. Also by breaking form or doing half reps with heavy weight you won’t get nearly as much out of the exercise and are more or less cheating yourself out of results!
The two major exercises I see people “cheating on” and not performing full range of motions are the squat and pull-ups, which are your top lower body and upper body exercise. I see skinny guys at the gym all day repping out 15-20 pull-ups going down half way. Until you can complete a set of 10 pull-ups with a full hang on the bottom you do not impress me and quite frankly you’re not strong! The sticking point of the pull-up is generally that bottom 1/3 of the movement, so by eliminating that portion of the lift you are not getting nearly as much out of your set as you can. This is very similar with the squat as well. The sticking point of are squat is going to be the point when we are stopping are body from moving downward and attempting to move it back up. This portion of the exercise really loads up the hamstrings and will increase your strength dramatically.
So what does all this mean? By performing heavy sets with weight your body can’t handle your creating certain imbalances throughout your body. What happens when your body has muscular/flexibility imbalances? The rest of your body tries to make up for the muscle groups that are slacking which can lead to over compensation injuries. Performing less weight with proper form and full ROM is much more beneficial and less risky when it comes to lifting weights for athletic performance or for any washed up meathead trying to look better at the beach. When I train my clients the first repetition I see where there form goes to sh*t or lose ROM I will have them stop the set. Who wants to be known as the trainer that injured the star High School athlete and made them miss there senior year, I sure as hell don’t! Hope the post was helpful, any questions or comments drop them below, Keep training hard!
Look at old school strong man John Davis getting DEEP on his squat!!
yo trying to post its not working
ReplyDeleteok figured it out. I just wrote you a long ass post about a website called www.70sbig.com. its badass I think you might like it. Its all about becoming a beast. Not a bodybuilder, just a big strong man.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good posts. I might even link you off www.cflongisland.com haha