Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Training Style

First I would like to thank you all for following along on my blog. I promise to put out rich and useful information that will help you all reach your fitness goals! My training philosophy is very simple yet extremely effective. I train all my clients similar to athletes, whether their D1 studs or elder women trying to drop a couple extra pounds. I feel that improving your athletic ability is beneficial for all! Not only will this style of training help improve your everyday life (functional movements) but will also pack on pounds of lean muscle which will then help accelerate your fat lose.(Remember one pound of lean muscle will burn an additional 50kcal per day for you!) Mixing up the training tools being used is also something very crucial in maximizing your results with training. This will keep your body in shock and help avoid plateaus! Kettlebells, Sandbags, barbell/dumbbells, bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, strongman training and gymnastic movements are all phenomenal methods of training that will lead to great results and are all tools I use on regular bases. For many years I have been researching the strength field, and have studied the works of some phenomenal trainers such as; Louie Simmons, Joe Defranco, Zach Even Esh, and Elliot Hulse. All these Coach’s have mentored or taught me over the years and I have learned a great deal about strength training from them all. All there training programs have one thing in common, they all use certain Conjugate Periodization methods. What is the Conjugate System of training you may ask? Check out this great article by Louie Simmons explaining how to use the system. Louie Simmons is the TOP power lifting coach in the world and has a wealth of information. Questions or Comments on Conjugate Periodization leave a comment below!.

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