Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Diet Tips

As I was driving home from my morning shift at work yesterday I made a decision. I noticed my hair was getting a little long and decided I was going to cut it. Moments later I had a change of heart and told myself I will not cut my hair until I get my weight back down to 180lb(right now I am about 198). This may seem strange to many but for me it works! Although I have a MRI on my knee today and will be meeting with my sergeant next week it is never too early to start shedding some pounds. When I got to my apartment I cleared out all the food I have bought that will prevent me from reaching my goals. Since I decided to start dieting hard I thought it would be appropriate to right up a list of my top diet tips, here it is!

Have a Breakfast of Champions
This is the most important meal of the day, Period! You are breaking your fast from the long night of sleep and will also utilize this meal as fuel for the entire day. Personally I enjoy having egg whites, 3C of mixed vegetables/spinach, Bacon, and some kind of fruit. Some days I will have whole eggs but then will cut out the bacon as my main fat source. The other 2-3 days a week when I don’t get up early enough (did I mention I am not a morning person) I will blend up a protein shake mixed with natural/organic peanut butter and fruit. Whole foods are a much better idea but sometimes you need to improvise.
Eat Every 3-4 hours
There are many benefits of eating every 3-4 hours. By eating often you are going to keep your body fueling off the right nutrients rather then eating away at stored muscle mass. Also I have found by eating every 3-4 hours it will help prevent over eating. So many clients of mine will try to eat one or two times a day and always end up binge eating during those meals. By eating so much in one sitting your body will not be able to process all the kcal you took in and will store a lot of it as fat.
Load up on Vegetables
Vegetables are nothing but free kcal, so why not take advantage of it? You can eat as many vegetables as you want and will not store any of it as fat! Vegetables are also a great source of vitamins. The more colors we eat throughout the day the more natural vitamins your body will get and there is no denying Vitamins from whole foods are much better then those coming in pill form.
Even balance of Proten, Carbs, Fat each meal
By having all your meals balanced you will help naturally optimize your hormone levels. This will do a lot of things for us such as control your emotions, increase your testosterone levels, and help burn more fat! The % of each you eat throughout the day will vary per individual and will take experimenting to determine what is a good base for you. For instance Dr. Sears Zone Diet, which is the best diet out there today, recommends 30% Protein and Fats with 40% carbs. Personally my body does not react as well to carbs as many so I will generally do 40% Protein and 30% Carbs and Fats. Unless I will be training for over 4 hours in a particular day in that case I will up my carb intake.
Weigh/Measure all your servings
Go to Wal-Mart or GNC and pick up a basic food scale for under $10, trust me it will be worth it. So many people eat the rights foods but do not get the results because of the servings they are eating. Anytime I go to the grocery store I will buy my meat in bulk. The second I return home I will weight everything out in 4oz servings and freeze a lot of it. I know a lot of people that will cook the food first then weigh it, this is a better idea if time is an issue. By weighing and measuring all your foods it will allow for you to take in the amount of food your body can process in one sitting and will prevent you from storing the extra as fat.
Mix it up
Don’t fall into the habit of eating the same thing everyday! If all you eat is oatmeal, chicken, and rice you will not only loose your mind but will not stick with this lifestyle. Remember we are trying to make permanent changes in your eating habits. Red meat a couple times a week as well as Fish (not from china) are great forms of protein on top of chicken. By making different healthy dishes you will be surprised in how easy it is to maintain the proper eating habits.

If you think Dexter Jackson got this lean by eating cheesburgers and ice cream you are on drugs!

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