The workout I completed today was very basic yet effect. The name of this technique is called The Litvinov Workout, named after World Champion Hammer thrower Sergey Litvinov. The idea behind The Litvinov Workout is to perform one multi-joint exercise for 8 reps followed by running a FAST 400 meters, repeat this process three more times for a total of 4 rounds. Dan John is a major advocate of performing one lift for an entire workout, yes you read that right only one lift. At first thought this seemed a little off to me but as I read through the chapters of the book Dan John truly had me inspired to try this style of training. Generally Snatch, Front Squat, Kettlebell Swings, or thrusters would be performed using The Litvinov Workout but with my torn meniscus this wasn’t happening so below is what my workout today looked like.
8 reps hand stand pushup
RUN 400 meters
Repeat three more times
On paper this workout may seem easy but believe me it was not. Granted my cardio is not where it should be and it is safe to say I am as out of shape cardiovascular wise as I have been in well over a year this style of training takes some serious will power and it is easy to see why Sergey Litvinov had so much success in track and field throwing events. The beauty of the Litvinov Workout is the amount of additional kcal and fat you will burn! I had a constant sweat flowing for well over an hour after completing this workout, not to mention my heart rate was through the roof during the third and fourth round. This is a great workout to use once or twice a week to change it up but also to focus some attention on your cardio. Try it out with front squats or swings and tell me your legs aren’t burning and I will call you a liar!

Sergey Litvinov dominated much bigger men then him in the early 1980s in the hammer throw using this style of training. Standing only 5'10" and 195lbs Litvinov conditioning was far better then any of his competitors.
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