Friday, April 16, 2010

Knee Update/ Killer Lower body workout

Just got back from the gym where I had a great workout and rehab session! This is what it looked like
4 sets:
1a) Mixed Grip Pull Up
1b) Toes to Bar
8 rounds of Complex listed below
Dead Lifts x 10
Upright Rows x 10
Hang Cleans x 10
Military Press x 10
Good Mornings x 10
60-90 sec rest
Rehab Work:
15 Min stationary bike
4x15 TKE with 50lb resistance band
250M lower body swimming
Overall my knee is feeling much better and is improving everyday. I feel like it is strong enough to begin jogging lately but will take my time and spend this entire month rehabbing!
Also check out Joe Defrancos latest "Ask Joe" post. This is the first of many posts Joey D will be posting where he posts an entire workout his athletes completed and then breaks it down for you. CHECK IT OUT HERE!!

Real Men lift RAW!!

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