Monday, May 17, 2010

Best Monday In Months!!

So it is 2:09pm and I have had the best Monday in a looong time. Reason being I just got done crushing my first “full blown” leg workout in over four months! Last Wednesday I ordered a set of battling ropes, which are supposed to arrive today. If you don’t know what battling ropes are I will post my first workout with them within the next couple of days. Unfortunately when I ordered these ropes I did not notice the shipping address on it was for my old apartment, which is in the same exact complex I am in now! After calling UPS and spending way too much time trying to get the shipping address changed I went to plan B. I finished my first shift at the gym this morning at 11am and do not need to be back until 3:30. This is generally the gap of time when UPS is delivered to my development. I thought it would be a good idea to set up shop over in my old buildings parking lot and get a workout in all while picking off the delivery driver at my old building. If everything worked as plan I would be just about done w/ the lower body workout as the UPS shipment came and then I would be able to finish my workout by breaking in the new ropes! Unfortunately this did not happen as planned, the bad news is no UPS truck has been seen and I need to head back in shortly, this means ill be driving to the UPS store later tonight to pick up my delivery. The good news was that I had a great lower body workout and did much more volume then I have done in a long time. The workout I performed was short and effective and listed below.
Recovering from knee surgery my major focus from now on will be on performing a long and effective warm up. I started out jogging 2 light laps around my development (.67 miles). This is the first non treadmill work I have done since the surgery and I felt no pain at all. Next I performed Joey Ds Agile 8, followed by some dynamic stretching such as Frankenstein walks and walking lunges, the last warm up exercise I always perform for knee rehab is TKE’s. Once I finished this warm up I was sweating and ready to go. The leg workout was as followed;
BW Squat 3x12
Squat w/ 25lb Bulgarian Bag 2x10
Goblet Squat 24kg KB 2x10
Goblet squat 32kg KB 2x10
KB Swing 32KG 4x20
4x150’ farmers walk w/ 70lb KB
Tabata Jump rope (20 sec work 10 sec rest for 8 rounds)

As I finish up this post I am sucking down my post workout shake w/ a banana while icing my knee. Tonight I need to train a few clients at the gym and then ill be attending one of my clients Senior Night Softball Game. She is leading the section in HRs and also pitched her team to there first sectional birth in 4 years. Im starting to think it is no longer a coincidence that EVERY athlete I have trained beasted out that following season. Right when I did'nt think the day could get any better I just heard the UPS truck!! Hope you all have a great day time to go get my cardio by running after a big brown truck!

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