Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sorry To Let You Down!!

Yesterday was a busy day for me. Having only morning clients I agreed to go to my parent’s home in Oswego and edge the entire yard. This turned into a fairly good workout but I will admit, I left a little in the tank knowing I was gunna attack the battling ropes today. After about 5 hours of work it was begining to get late and I decided to break out the ropes! Now I know I promised a video of my first encounter with the ropes but I can explain. I leave my digital camera in the glove box of my car just in case I ever want to film a workout on the run. As I began the intro of the video on the battling ropes the camera shut off on me 15 sec in. The screen then read “battery to low to record video,” on my second attempt. Off course I do not leave the charger in the car with the camera because that would be the smart thing to do. This was disappointing but I promise you the workout was not! Since I have never use the ropes before I was experimenting more then anything. I was performing 40sec sets switching movements at the halfway point. I would then throw my dog the Frisbee and begin another round. I ended up loosing count of how many rounds, because I could not believe the pain my arms were in, I believe it was something like 6-8 total rounds of this. For the remainder of the knight my elbows down to my finger tips were numb, my shoulders, core and traps were also fatigued. Later on that night I studied more movements to perform with the ropes and look forward to trying them. I am excited now for this coming weekend. My boy Austin will be competing, at the crossfit Northeast Qualifier event, and qualifying, for THE GAMES in Cali! I will be driving down to Albany to volunteer judge and cheer him on. Although it will be an extremely long and tiring day I do hope to do some prowler sprints on each day to get some kind of workout in.
The other day I was searching my websites and came across a very interesting article that I feel many of you will find extremely useful. Since everyone loves to work there core(abs) below is a link to an article that did scientific research on any core exercise one can think of to determine what exercises work what core muscles the most! Killer Stuff, hope you enjoy.

Inside the Muscles - Best Ab Exercises

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