Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weekend recap

So as you probably know I was away all weekend judging the crossfit northeast regional event. Although I am not a “crossfiter” and find some of there tendencies to be extremely annoying the weekend was a blast! To recap the weekend;
·My boy Austin took 3rd place out of the 65 best crossfit athletes in the entire Northeast, which qualified him for the crossfit games July 15-16 in California, and a chance at $25,000.
·I lost my voice worse then I ever had before and had a great time in the process.
·The final WODs were brutal and many competitors had to get scraped off the pavement, thanks to the prowler sled.
·I fell in love a solid 10-15 times with different crossfit women

Austin pictured on the far right with 1st place winner Rob Orlando and 2nd place finisher James Hobart. At last years regional Hobart took 1st and Orlando took 2nd. Not bad for a kid whose been involved with crossfit for under a year, Austy your a BEAST!!

The entire weekend was an eye opening experience and motivated me a great deal. Watching how hard these athletes pushed there bodies makes you realize how much further you can push yourself with mental toughness. Many competitors were absolute gassed halfway through the WOD yet finished stronger then they began! The one downside to the weekend was that I was unable to get a workout in. I was really hoping to push the prowler around but it seemed like the only down time from Friday morning till Sunday around 7:00pm was judges meetings or half hour breaks, in which I would sneak a meal in. There were a few workouts that gave me great ideas and many of my clients today suffered from them! I also just finished a workout in my parent’s driveway on this sunny 90°F day. The workout consisted of this:
1) 5x5 Deadlifts with 45lb plate, 35lb kettlebell, and 20lb chains on each side.

2) 10 rounds performing 10 reps each of:
25lb Bulgarian bag
1a) Squats
1b) Around the head twists R
1c) Around the head twists L
2) KB Swings w/ 70lb bell

3) 10 Min of sled pulls switching movement every 50 yards

I got the idea for this workout from an audio interview with Ethan Reeve and Zach Even Esh as well as from the event this weekend. As many of you know Zach if one of my big mentors located in Edison NJ. Coach Reeve is a NSCA Master trainer and also the Strength Coach at the University Of Wake Forest. This workout wasn’t very long but was extremely high volume and brutal!

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