Tuesday, May 4, 2010

weekend workout

So this past weekend I was up in Cortland, NY for alumni weekend. I have to say it was a success for two reasons; 1) I made it out alive and 2) I got a kick ass workout in on Friday… O and I also got to see a lot of my boys that I haven’t seen or talked to in 2-3 years so that was also very exciting. The initial gamelan was too go Friday after work and hit a workout with my boy Drew around noon. Unfortunately the night before Drew and the boys drank a little to much and he was not in any condition to workout. As disappointed as I was I chalked it up as a rest weekend. Later on that day around 3:00p while everyone else was at the sorority house down the road getting drunk I was in the back yard with Drew cleaning up a little. At this point it was sunny and 80 outside and Drew looked up at the sky and said “I wish we could workout right back here.” Being more of a bodybuilder/power lifter Drew did not have any idea what he just got himself into with that statement. Instantly I got fired up and began unloaded the training tools that I had in my trunk, while also scooping out the backyard for a spot we could perform pull ups. Unfortunately there was nowhere to do pull-ups so we decided to just crush a buncha different pushing movements and finish off with some conditioning. The training tools that were in my trunk were; 2- 20lb chains, 1 each-24kg/32KG KB, resistance bands, and a 25lb Bulgarian training bag. This is the workout I put together with these tools and let me tell you it kicked both of are ass’s!
-3 sets of chain drop set pushups- Start with both 20lb chains crossed over the back. Perform 10 pushups remove one chain, perform another 10 remove the 2nd chain, then 10 bodyweight pushups. This gave us both a great pump while also getting the drunk kids who just got back from the sorority all pumped up to try!
- 2a)5x5 single arm KB press, performed 2 sets with the 24kg then the final 3 with the 32KG.
2b) Band pull aways X 15 reps
- Bulgarian bag work, swinging the back 15 times to the right, 15 times to the left, and then 15 snatches.

Although this workout was short and sweet it was one of the best workouts I have had in a long time. The Bulgarian work really got the heart rates racing and allowed me too eats that extra burger at the BBQ later that day. The workout itself was extremely rewarding but I was able to introduce 10+ meatheads to a different style of training that is really effective!

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