Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why I Hate Elementary School

So today after I got done with my morning clients I had 4 hours before the evening crew came in. As always this is my time to workout and take care of certain things that need to be done. After attending my first karate class since knee surgery I was a little worn down and was not sure what I would be doing today. Generally today I would have been doing a Max Effort Upper Body hitting heavy bench press. Since my body was warn down and I wanted to break last week’s record on the bench I opted to do more of an endurance/recovery workout. It was 80 and sunny today in upstate NY so I needed to take advantage of the beautiful weather and find a nice playground to work out at. As I hoped in my car around 2:45 I was fired up and ready to crush a great workout. I had all my training tools loaded up, the routine planned out, and the park I was gunna workout at, one little problem… Apparently you are not allowed on school grounds during school hours. As I pulled up to the park I planned to workout at I saw a buncha 5-10 year old kids running around in my area to do farmers walks! This wasn’t gunna work so I continued driving, and driving and driving. Three parks later it was now 3:30 and I pulled back up to the original park, now with school out of session. Since I needed to unload 2 70+ lb KBs, a sandbag, and some other training tools I pulled into the parking lot closest to the park to unload. The second I got out of my car there were two women standing there to tell me this is private parking and I was not allowed there. All I wanted to do was workout and I already got booted from two parks and yelled at by some b*tch for pulling into the far corner of a 20 car parking lot where I have never seen more then 3 cars at a time, and this is all before I even got to work out!
3 parks and 45 min later I finally unloaded everything and was ready to go, or was I? There is this real nice kid that cleans the equipment at the gym who is mentally handicapped. He is a great kid and I make sure to go out of my way everyday to talk to him. Well unfortunately he was walking home from work and needed to cut through the park I was at. This kid LOVES to talk and was talking my ear off for 15 min before I let him know I needed to get started so I could get back to work in time. 45 minutes ago I was ready to attack this workout and now I felt a little less motivated but was surprised when I murdered the workout and felt great afterwards. Here is what I did today focusing mostly on pushing the pace and limiting the breaks between sets.
4 sets of each superset
1a) 5/5 KB Snatch 72lb
1b) 15 BW squats
2a) Handstand Pshup X 8/8/7/6
2b) Mixed Grip Pull Up 10/10/8/5
3a) Bulgarian bag twists 15 each direction
3b) Farmers walk 100 yard w/ 72lb KB
Short and sweet but was a great workout. The entire workout took me roughly 30 min but I was gassed at the end. So now I am pretty sure I am more excited for elementary school to get out then most the students are. This means I can go utilize the parks any time of the day not just after 3:30!

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