Friday, July 23, 2010

2 packages in the mail...

I Ordered 20' of 2" thick rope to perform various hand over hand pulling movements as well as grip work. The second order was some more bands from elitefts as well as a shot put. Unfortunately the shot takes longer to deliver then the bands so I am still waiting on them. I always get excited ordering new training tools for one of two reason. The first being my athletes now have one more tool that MANY other athletes are not utilizing. This gives them an advantage. The second reason is I Have another tool to train MYSELF with. I will never have a client perform any movement without me being the Ginny pig. I feel this is very important when determining what movements to perform with various clients. I was super pumped up to hit a nice park workout with the new toys today but when I woke up this morning it was pouring out! O well, gotta wait till tomorrow, ill be taping it for you so highlights coming soon.

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