Saturday, July 24, 2010

Harborfest Workout

It is harborfest weekend in my hometown of lovely Oswego, NY. For those of you who do not know what harborfest is think of a keg party taken place in an entire town from Thursday to Sunday and that is harborfest. With 99% of the Oswego population getting wrecked all weekend I decided to get a killer workout in. I learned awhile ago I was different then most people so why not keep the trend going? With the weather reaching over 90 and the humidity much worse I decided to pack up the gym on wheels(2003 Honda Civic) and go to the Elementary park next to my apartment complex. Here are the toys I brought with me:
50’ 1.5” Thick Rope
20’ 2” Thick Rope
24KG Kettlebell
Set of Rings
50lb and 100lb Resistance Band
45lb Plate and Tire Sled
I knew I was in for a treat when I lost about 3-5 pounds of water weight from dragging all that equipment about 100 feet from the road to the “playground gym.” Once I got there I scoped out the park and saw 2 light polls about 50’ apart right next to the playground, where numerous pullup stations were located and then across the pavement was a swing set. Since I see everything a little differently then most people I was able to picture the setup for this killer workout and began setting up shop. 10 min later I had everything set up for the workout. The 50’ Rope was wrapped around one light poll with the tire sled sitting right next to it on the pavement. The other light poll I tied two 100lb resistance bands together and knotted the 2” rope through it. This was next to the playground where I had a kettlebell waiting and across the pavements the rings were set up in a high position on the swing set for dips. This is what the warm up looked like:
10-15 Min dynamic/bodyweight warm-up
4 sets
1a) Mixed Grip Pull Ups x 8
1b) KB Strict Military Press 5/5
4 rounds
2a) Hand over Hand Rope Pull w/ R Bands X Pull to body 2 times
2b) Ring Dips X 8
4 rounds
3a) 40 Sec Battilig Ropes alternating Movements
3b) Sled Pull X 100’
The park was empty and right as I finished the workout a family with 3 kids showed up so it worked out perfectly. I haven’t had an outdoor park workout in a couple weeks because of my injuries but killed this and loved every second of it. The humidity made this workout extra hard especially the last couplet, I felt like I was gunna die but really pushed through it. Below is a picture of me laying on the floor post-workout in the Air Conditioner!

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