Thursday, August 19, 2010

7 ways to keep your edge

Sorry for the lack of information this past week but I have had a CRAZY last week and a half. I will have some exciting news coming for you in the next few days so stay tuned! For now here is a great article from my man Zach Even Esh at his blog

7 Ways to Keep Your Edge and Become a Gladiator:

1) Train with reps in the 10-20 range. If you’re always training heavy in the 3 – 6 rep range, prepare for an ass whoopin’ and a wake up call here. High reps AND heavy weights will take you to another level, prepare to fight through mentally, NOT just physically.

2) Rather than doing 3 or 4 or 5 sets per exercise, set a goal of total reps, such as 50 total reps of benching your bodyweight, 100 total reps of mixed bodyweight pulling, etc. When you hit the half way point your body starts to fatigue and your mind starts playing tricks on you, telling you to stop. Charge onward.

3) Train with people younger than you AND beat them at EVERYTHING they do. The young guns seem to have limitless energy and this is why you wanna train WITH them. Treat the workout like a war, do NOT show them you’re tired and push yourself to the NEXT level.

4) Train with people stronger, faster and better conditioned than you are. Nothing can motivate you more than getting your ass handed to you during a workout. Knowing you can’t let it happen again will force you to train harder even when you are not around these Dudes.

5) Run as MANY different ways as possible. Run with sleds, the prowler, up hill, in the sand, sprints, longer distances…… any style of running you are NOT used to is what you need to do. Feeling like you’re gonna toss your cookies means your pushing yourself.

6) F**K Science. Who the hell cares about science for EVERY freaking workout!?!?! Sometimes the workout needs to be a wake up call to show that you need to step up your game in life AND lifting.

7) Compete. Compete against others NOT just yourself. There is always someone better than you are. Competition makes you vulnerable and shows more holes in your armor. Competing can be scary. Being scared is good. Face your fears and push to become a better man or woman.

Picture of me and Zach at his facility, Underground Strength Gym, in Edison NJ for a certification class. For some reason my last three "vacations" have been to his little warehouse gym and I loved every sec of it!

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