Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weekend Update

A new article will be coming tomorrow. I had a busy weekend spending Saturday with my brother and father at the Jets training camp in Cortland. Before leaving for training camp I tried a recipe Joel Marion sent via email and it was phenomenal!
High Protein Banana Yogurt Waffles


1/2 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 scoop of Protein
1/2 cup plain low fat yogurt
1/2 cup skim milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp lemon zest
1 medium banana


Preheat a waffle maker.

In a medium bowl, mix the flour, baking powder and protein powder together. Add the yogurt, milk and vanilla extract. Shave in the lemon zest and mix well. If the mixture appears too thick, add a little water (1 tsp at a time) to lighten.

In a separate bowl, mash the banana with the backside of a fork and then add it to the other wet ingredients. Mix all for another 10-20 seconds. If batter needs thinner consistency, add a little more water (again, 1 tsp at a time).

I didn't have bananas or a waffle maker so I through some blueberries in and made pancakes out of them, still delicious!

Today I got an unorthodox workout in but it was killer! The workout was 2 parts,
Part 1: AMRAP of 15 min jogging a 50 Yard 25% incline Hill and at bottom performed 10/10 KB Snatch with a 35lb. I ended up finishing with 6-8 rounds. I was happy with how my knee held up and will continue to rehab utilizing hills and sleds.
Part 2: 10 Min straight I tossed a 12lb shot put as far as possible using all different techniques and then performed various animal crawls until I reached the shot. Performing these movements is not only a full body workout but will improve athletic ability greatly!

Check this article out below. It will show you certain "healthy drinks" to avoid!
Click Here

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