Sunday, August 22, 2010

Article Published on Elite!

So as I was going through some of my regular website earlier today searching for interesting articles to read I came across a nice surprise. I was on elitefts, which is one of the top fitness websites in the world and under recent articles found one written by me! This is my first article published by elite and am honored but also hope to have many more published. Had a few questions ask on the site so will be answering them in posts over the next few days. Check out the article below

Top Ten Checklist:Do You "Train"


  1. Nice article.Well,do U have any info about the training courses avialable for strength and conditioning coach?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jim, I am putting my wrestling program into an ebook as we speak. It should be completed by weeks end. I will keep you updated.
