Follow along with an up and coming Strength and Conditioning Coach located in Syracuse NY. Throughout the journey I will be posting about numerous different topics ranging from nutrition to strength training to random tangents I may go on occasionally.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Exciting News!
How is everyone doing today? Tuesdays morning and I just got done training my morning clients for the day. Since I have no afternoon clients it gives me a lot of time to catch up on some other projects I have been working on. I also decided since the Jets are down in Cortland and it’s a nice day I would go check there camp out and see what type of warm ups/ dynamic exercise they are having the team perform. I always enjoy the opportunity to take notes and learn from the top professionals in the business. Although I will not be able to physically meet Sal Alosi and Kyle Thorne by watching the prehab/rehab work the players perform I hope to learn some cool stuff. The way I look at it if I learn one thing in the entire day of sessions it was a successful trip. On another note I got an email from a good friend/mentor Zach Even Esh from Underground Strength Gym in Edison NJ. At the end of September Zach and his friend Paul Reddick, who is a top baseball coach, will be hosting a two day seminar in New Jersay called the How To Kick Ass Seminar. As badly as I wanted to make the trip I knew financially I would not be able to do it. That all changed when I checked my email this morning and got the great news! Zach is going to take care of the tuition for the seminar and let me attend!! I am super excited for this opportunity and can not wait to learn more killer strategies from some tope professionals. I am writing this from a friends computer in Cortland and need to go down to the field to do some research! Also I plan to hit some rehab work in-between sessions while I am down there. Some dynamic warm ups, focusing greatly on hip mobility, TKE’s, lunges, and sled work is on the menu for today. As much as it kills me to have light rehab days like today I realize it MUST be done if I want my knee to ever get better. Have a good day and keep killing it! Hopefully I will get some good movements from the Jets that I can share with you all!
Jets Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Sal Alosi

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