Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Diet Talk

So to start off I just want to give a brief description of what I mean when I say the word "diet." Working at the gym I hear members talking all the time about this new diet they went on or was reading about. When I say diet I simply am referring to the total kcal intake and % of carbs, fats, and protein making up the kcals per day. Over my years in this field I have researched many different diets. The Zone Diet, Paleo Diet, and Cheat Your Way Thin Program are the three programs I base my general nutritional beliefs on.
With my personal diet I like eating clean for roughly 8 months out of the year and use the remaining 4 months as more of a bulking faze. As I was coming off roughly 4 months of bulking where I gained 15lbs I got hit with some bad luck. A Sprained AC Joint followed by what is now looking like a slightly torn meniscus led to some serious bad eating for an additional month. So as of now I am behind where I would like to be, but sh*t happens and I am just happy I am near full recovering and can not wait to get back at the training 100%!
With that being said, I used Super Bowl Sunday as somewhat of a "last supper" as the strict eating kicked in Monday. Something I got from Cheat Your Way Thin was beginning the program with a 7 day low carb period. 3 days into the low carb faze I am feeling good. Not being able to Run or Spar yet I am not feeling the ill effects of low carbs as far as my energy goes. Since I have 4 remaining days with low carbs I thought it would be a good idea to buy a whole chicken and cook it tonight for dinner and for the remaining 8 lunch and dinners ill be eating during this week. Many new members and clients complain that they do not have time to eat full meals and that is why they snack throughout the day and night. By taken a little extra time to portion out your meals you will save a whole lot of time in the long run.

The three phases: Cooking the whole chicken, weighing out 4 oz servings, 8 total servings all in individual bags!

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